NAB's subsidiary which has aimed at the younger generation, getting itself on twitter and facebook. Recently offered free 1GB thumb drives to the first 1000 followers on Twitter. One week later, they still have 1,200 followers and they are giving daily updates about their call centre and other "behind the scenes stuff" and replying to individual twitterers which makes the bank a more friendly face on the net.
So what does a bank do with people following them? Have a look here or here are some of their twitters:
jessnichols You're definitely on our list, hope our emails are not hitting your spam folder, it'll be posted soon. Thanks for touching base
about 7 hours ago from web
Hello to all 1,300 of our Twitter friends. Thanks so much for for tuning in. Share your feedback anytime to @
UBank, DM or
about 9 hours ago from web
Hello, We've emailed all registrants for the UBank 1GB USB Drive, check your inbox folks, some of you may have some info to confirm. Thanks.
about 10 hours ago from web
Why do we follow you when you follow us? It's simple. If you take the time to listen to us, we try our best to reciprocate. Tweet soon.
about 10 hours ago from web
RT @
bankingreview 7 tips on how to improve your financial knowledge and save money using Twitter Features @
about 17 hours ago from web
An update for those *still* waiting for an email from us regarding USBs, we're running a bit behind with that, it'll be out later today, thx
about 18 hours ago from web
The NAB website has a great little video on "What the budget means for you" as well as a fact sheet #AusBudget09
about 18 hours ago from web
philipargy Thanks for your feedback, we'll take it on board, at the moment there are some privacy issues to consider with #Skype chat
11:22 AM May 18th from web
in reply to philipargy Call queues to our Direct Banking Centre (13 30 80) have eased, no wait time now, thanks for your patience + sorry for any inconvenience :)
10:17 AM May 18th from web
philipargy We use #Skype for VoIP calls 24x7 to our Aust. Direct Banking Centre, we're not available via Skype Chat yet AM May 18th from web
If you don't want to wait on hold, you may wish to apply online at AM May 18th from web
4.51%pa for 3 months is causing a queue at our Direct Banking Centre, sorry for the delays folks, we'll get to your call as soon as we can
9:39 AM May 18th from web
Money Box Webisode 6 - It's all about Superannuation, now with over 1,300 views, check it out on our YouTube channel PM May 16th from web
Happy Saturday folks, we're always open here and thought we'd say hello. Speak soon.
3:15 PM May 16th from web
Positive rate change eff. 16 May. 6mo now 4.11%. 1mo 3.26%, 3mo 4.51%, 9mo 4.01%& 12mo 4.01% unchanged. Compare@ PM May 15th from web